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Re: To A Self-Centered Friend (Snarl! January, 1998)
From: Linda Forsythe

Great article! I think at some point in life we can all relate to the character "friend" described in the article. We all learn from this person what self-centeredness truly is.

Re: To A Self-Centered Friend (Snarl! January, 1998)
From: Lauren Evans

You're right! I have a friend just like that (actully she's not a friend) and then when everyone stopped playing her game she got more in tune with reality and became, GASP, a real person!

Re: To A Self-Centered Friend (Snarl! January, 1998)
From: Another Tina

Your "friend" sounds a lot like people I know, including myself, unfortunately, sometimes. I'm always apologizing for interrupting people, not that I think my stories are better, or more interesting, I don't even realize I do it. The only difference is, my friends tell me when I'm being annoying. We're pretty honest that way, I don't mean to interrupt people, and it pisses them off. I never get offended when they tell me to shut up, and let them finish their story,. Basically what I'm getting at, is, tell your friend how you feel, if you say it pleasently, she/he probably won't get offended. I'm sure they'd much rather hear it from you, than on the internet

Re: Hairy Legs (January, 1998)
From: Robert Newton

After living in California for several years and attending several nude beaches it was quite common to see women with neither shaved legs or underarms. The good Lord made us this way, with hair most everywhere, who are we to say that leaving it alone is morally, ethically, or socially wrong??! I don't want you to shave anywhere. That is up to you and to you alone, not society...You GO! girl.

Re: Hairy Legs (January, 1998)
From: Tiffany Moseley

I was surfing the Web insearch of websites pertaining to the arts when I stumbled upon this one. After looking at the list of titles I chose this one out of sheer curiousity. I attend an all female college and during the week, being that there are no males present, the last thing that is on our minds is shaving. A quick shower before class and then we are off on our busy little ways, there isn't really anytime to worry about such trivial things. The other night a few of us were sitting in a room talking about life and someone out of the blue declared that during the month of January none of us were to shave of legs... boyfriends or not. After a good chuckle we agreed to it. I must admit that it is a good time to experiment with this. I admire you for your decision. There are a good many females out there who opt not to shave and whether we do or not should be left totally up to us. Isn't it funny how no one really says anything to men when they choose not to shave their facial hair, but it is near a sin when we don't pick up that razor in the mornings?

Re: Hairy Legs (January, 1998)

I'm 16 and I quit shaving my legs a few months ago. I just thought it was a waste of time in addition to being another useless thing women do to be more attractive.

Re: Hairy Legs (January, 1998)
From: Melinda Deyhle

I shave my legs because i like to feel smooth legs, not because society deems it so. Shave or not; it does not really matter except to closed-minded people!

Re: Shakespeare's Sister (January, 1998)
From: Giselle

It's good to know Judith is alive and well.

Re: Shakespeare's Sister (January, 1998)
From: Morgan

Bravo! Celebrate your creativity and don't let anyone or anything get in the way!

Re: Life Goes On (January, 1998)
From: Keely

Great story! "Life Goes On..." gives a realization to an everyday occurence. Meghann really expresses how even though it was "just a dog", emotional torment exists.

Re: Life Goes On (January, 1998)
From: Meredith Stegall

Why didn't she just take the dog to the vet like a responsible, normal person? The dog was still breathing.

Re: Life Goes On (January, 1998)
From: Cathy

I just sat here and cried when I read this. Years ago, my cat was hit by a car. Whoever did it didn't bother to stop. I still miss him sometimes. Thanks for the good cry.

Re: All Night (January, 1998)
From: Lilly

Would like to see more!

Re: All Night (January, 1998)
From: Elisa Herrala

That's actually a really good poem, feelings I can understand and relate to. I think you've got a talent.

Re: Lunchladies (January, 1998)
From: Jodi

Weird piece, but I really dug the images. I'm still not entirely sure I know what it's about, but I liked what I thought I understood!

Re: Home Cooked Meal (January, 1998)
From: Kathryn

I think that the little girl wasn't tired. I feel like I am that little girl and there are far to many of us.

Re: In Your Hands (January, 1998)
From: Jamie Weir brought tears to my eyes...i know exactly how they felt...

Re: In Your Hands (January, 1998)
From: Barb Snyder

Ouch. Been there. Thanks for writing such a beautiful honest poem.

[snarl! of the month] [babies] [poland solo] [protection from or by the boys?]
[venus in 1998] [well enough] [dancing birds]